»I wanted the things that everyone else had ... But I never got them. It was always impossible. It couldn’t be done, for whatever reason. ... A life of my own, you know? But impossible, these are tota ...
»I wanted the things that everyone else had ... But I never got them. It was always impossible. It couldn’t be done, for whatever reason. ... A life of my own, you know? But impossible, these are totally normal things, but for me they’re completely out of reach.«
In her furious debut novel Ellbogen (Elbow), Fatma Aydemir tells the story of seventeen-year-old Hazal Akgündüz. Hazal was born in Berlin. Her parents come from Turkey. She longs for love, for security. Hanging out with her friends isn’t really enough. Actually, it's always about the search for happiness. »Every knobhead just wants to be happy«. A stolen lipstick. Later, an eruption of brutal violence. When the police start looking for her, Hazal flees to Istanbul. She's never been there before. Is it now the place where her life can begin? »My name is Hazal Akgündüz, my topic is survival.«
Premiere 6/April 2024
Foto: Esra Rotthoff