
Salon Varnhagen Reloaded

Panel discussion

Organised and presented by Tobias Herzberg ... Read more

Organised and presented by Tobias Herzberg

Scripted by Max Czollek and Tobias Herzberg

With Max Czollek, Marina Frenk, Stella Hilb

Afterwards party in the Studio Я Foyer with MC Natasha & Friends


Is the panel discussion format a return of the classic salon, just with an audience? We don’t want to reveal too much for now, but we do guarantee an extraordinary arrangement. The line up will be first class! And those who want to know what the Radical Jewish Culture Days are all about and why we do all this in the first place, should definitely come. Because during this evening no question will remain unanswered.

Note: With the ticket you have also acces to the previous play VALESKA GERT – THE ANIMAL SHOW


To get reduced access to all of the productions during the Radikale Jüdischen Kulturtage, you can buy a FESTIVALPASS.

Organized by
Tobias Herzberg