Porträt Marina Frenk (c) Esra Rotthoff

Marina Frenk

Marina Frenk was born in Chisinau, Moldova, in 1986. From 2005 to 2008 she studied drama at the Folkwang Academy in Essen. First guest engagements led her to the Grillo Theatre; she subsequently held engagements in the company of the Bochum Theatre, the Centraltheater Leipzig and the Cologne Theatre. She played the character Nora in an Ibsen production by Elmar Goerden and appeared in plays including Phädra, Wir Kinder von Theben and Der Idiot. She made her cinema debut in the production Totem by Jessica Krummacher, premiered in 2011 at the Venice Film Festival. Moreover, Maria Frenk is a singer in the Ostperanto band Kapelsky & Marina and also makes music with the electro-dance band Baba Dunyah, as well as Yuriy Gurzhy and Daniel Kahn in The Disorientalists. She appeared in Exit:Lulu (director: Mizgin Bilmen, Schauspiel Frankfurt) and presented her own work, Celans Tiefen, with her recordings of Paul Celan’s poems in Studio Я at the Gorki Theatre. For the RADIKALEN JÜDISCHE KULTURTAGE in Studio Я she created the production VALESKA GERT - THE ANIMAL SHOW in November 2017, which was invited to 2018’s »Radikal jung« festival for young directors. On the 30/January 2020, the Klaus Wagenbach Verlag published her first novel ewig her und gar nicht wahr.

Photo: Esra Rotthoff


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