Max Czollek (c) Kontantin Börner

Max Czollek

Max Czollek was born in 1987 in Berlin, where he still lives. He studied political science at the FU Berlin and earned a PhD at The Center for Research on Antisemitism at the TU Berlin. Max Czollek is a member of the poetry collective G13 and co-editor of the magazine Jalta - Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart. He has been the co-curator of the Coalition for a Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) since 2021.
Together with Sasha Marianna Salzmann he is the co-initiator of Desintegration. Ein Kongress zeitgenössischer jüdischer Positionen (2016) and the Radikale Jüdische Kulturtage (2017) at the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Studio Я. In 2020 he initiated the international Tage der Jüdisch-Muslimischen Leitkultur as a decentralized congress with kick-off events at Gorki.

His poetry collections, Druckkammern (2012) and Jubeljahre (2015), as well as Grenzwerte (2019), were published by Verlagshaus Berlin. Hanser Verlag published his much-discussed essays Desintegriert Euch! (2018, in English 2023), Gegenwartsbewältigung (2020), and Versöhnungstheater (release date Jan 23rd, 2023). In early 2022 Czollek curated the Revenge. History and Fantasy exhibition at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, whose catalogue was also published by Hanser.

Photo: Kontantin Börner