Stories are produced in troll factories and the world’s most valuable commodity – personal data – is sold back to its original owners as custom-tailored content. It’s here, right in the middle of demo ...
Stories are produced in troll factories and the world’s most valuable commodity – personal data – is sold back to its original owners as custom-tailored content. It’s here, right in the middle of democracy fatigue, that a politician of a certain type is cast: changeable according to the potential for controversy and the (fake) news coverage, who is no longer supposed to convince the voters but whose performance should play to their audience, their base: One for all, who want to be part of the community, and all, who give everything, for one. But what happens when the strings slip out of the secretive puppet masters’ hands and »Operation Mindfuck« becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy?
A wild ride through filter bubbles, conspiracy theories and unbelievable historical events – based on a true story, but not really. So, a real mindfuck.
World Premiere on 28/May 2022
Performance rights: Yael Ronen & Dimitrij Schaad
Photo: Esra Rotthoff
Stage photos: Ute Langkafel