Clara Probst (*1989), completed an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Liberal Arts in arts and media studies at University College Maastricht in the Netherlands and in Geneva, NY, USA. After that, she worked in the humanities research department at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin for a year, followed by internships and assistant jobs at art galleries (e.g. Eigen + Art) as well as the Deutsches Theater Berlin and independent productions. From 2014–16, she completed her masters degree in dramaturgy at the HMT Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in Leipzig, which was concluded with a performance at Schauspiel Leipzig.
From 2016-2019 she was part of the dramaturgy department at Schauspiel Leipzig and worked as a production dramaturge with Armin Petras (Kruso; Jeder stirbt für sich allein/Die Leipziger Meuten), Nuran David Calis (Angst essen Seele auf), Philipp Preuss (Prinz Friedrich von Homburg), copy&waste (Gewonnene Illusionen) and Yves Hinrichs (e.g. Tschick, Ännie).
Since 2018/19 she has been part of the Gorki dramaturgy department, where she has been working with Yael Ronen Planet B, Operation Mindfuck and Slippery Slope, which was invited to the Theatertreffen in 2022, as well as with Hakan Savaş Mican MUTTERSPRACHE MAMELOSCHN, UNSER DEUTSCHLANDMÄRCHEN, Marta Górnicka, Sebastian Baumgarten, Leonie Böhm, Oliver Frljić and Nurkan Erpulat.