
Nathalie Seiß

Nathalie Seiß (*1993) works as an actress* and performer* and lives in Berlin. Since 2013 Seiß is part of the ensemble of the P14 Jugendtheater at Volksbühne Berlin. Since 2015/2016, Seiß has appeared regularly at Maxim Gorki Theater, in productions such as STÖREN, GRUNDGESETZ EIN CHORISCHER STRESSTEST and DIE 70H OR AUCH CLEITE DIE GÖTTTIN DER POTENZ. In the season 18/19 Seiß will be a guest in TARZAN RETTET BERLIN at HAU1, CRY BABY at Deutsches Theater Berlin and SUNSHINE CHAMPAGNER at Berliner Ringtheater.
Seiß has also worked closely with Leonie Jenning and Martha von Mechow since 2015. Seiß regularly shoots for film and television and additionally studies rehabilitation education.


Diverse in the Universe

Queerious - Die Geburt des Vulkans
