Max Czollek fotografiert von Paula Winkler
Buchcover Bersöhnungstheater


Max Czollek’s books have relished spreading doubt about German narratives from integration to Leitkultur (dominant culture). Sharp, witty and surprising at every point, Versöhnungstheater (Reconciliation Theatre) asks about the contemporary memorialization of the crimes of the past. Since the internationally admired gestures of German self-assurance from the chancellor kneeling in Warsaw to the Holocaust Memorial, some things have changed: the Berlin city palace celebrates the Prussian kings, a turning point has been evoked with the new military budget, and the German president speaks of »reconciliation« on a trip to Israel. Germany is someone again, also because it is so exemplary at remembering the Holocaust. Welcome to the Theatre of Reconciliation!


Supported by İÇ İÇE – Festival für neue anatolische Musik


Foto: Paula Winkler