

Buchpräsentation mit Max Czollek und Überraschungsgästen

Max Czollek's new collection of poems Grenzwerte is a grand tour through places, discourses—and through history. For Czollek, poetry is always also a way of speaking the past: a form of Gegenwartsbewältigung (dealing with the present). Czollek confronts the non-simultaneity of time—»dieser kette aus kalenderblättern // dem gefühl, als wäre beim reißverschluss der schieber kaputt« (»this chain of calendar sheets // the feeling that the slide is broken when the zipper is pulled«)—with the means of poetry, metaphor and collage. At the same time he is not a passive chronicler, his verses are always ready to strike back, to appropriate language orders and to reformat them. And so Grenzwerte is not only a logbook of the present but also one of the poet himself: »ich komme mir vor, als säße ich in einem meiner gedichte // und vielleicht tue ich das auch« (»I feel as if I were sitting in one of my poems // and perhaps I am doing it«).

Max Czollek's third volume of poetry Grenzwerte will be published by Verlagshaus Berlin in September.

In conversation with
Mely Kiyak