Jair Luna was born in Cartagena de Indias, Columbia. He studied contemporary dance with Álvaro Restrepo and Marie France Delieuvin at El Colegio del Cuerpo in Cartagena de Indias. As part of his education, he has worked with choreographers such as Claude Brumachon at the Centre Choreographique de Danse Nantes, Carmen Werner in Madrid, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker at the PARTS and Dominique Dupuy at the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine Angers. As a choreographer and dancer in Columbia, he has presented his works Pegaito al picó and the multimedia performance Un Minuto, among others. In 2011 he founded the Compagnie La Playa, who have been invited to numerous Latin American and European festivals with their dance productions Tuyo Tómas, Don´t call me papi and Jardin Griego. In 2013 he worked as a performer for Simon(é) J. Paetau’s film Cruising in high heels and in 2015 performed in Gritty Glamour under the direction of Paetau at the Ballhaus Naunynstraße. Together with Simon(e) J. Paetau und Iury Tojaborg, he developed and performed in the coproduction Frutas Afrodisíacas of the Ballhaus Naunynstraße and the Studio Я in 2016. He danced in Juliana Piqueros‘ Undefined Tropical at the “Tanztage Berlin 2017“ in the Sophiensaele. For the festival Plataforma Berlin at the Dock 11 he choreographed and danced in the piece The space between us with Viridiana Calvo. At the Ballhaus Naunynstraße he developed, choreographed and performed in the solo-dance performance Memory of dislocation – exactly the same in the opposite direction.