pugs in love

Androiden aus Mitteldeutschland

How much does society determine who we can become? Is there a sexuality other than that intended for all? The actress Mareike B. tries out different genres for her last biopic at Gorki: a family const ... Read more

How much does society determine who we can become? Is there a sexuality other than that intended for all? The actress Mareike B. tries out different genres for her last biopic at Gorki: a family constellation becomes a film becomes a concert becomes a text - each firmware update of the self produces a new version of the past. The androids from Central Germany record radio shows, lose themselves in space and practice lonely choreographies for the big farewell Party.


One ticket - two events: Following Androiden aus Mitteldeutschland, the performance of From Hell with Love will take place.

PUGS IN LOVE - Queer Week 12–15/Juni


Das Festival PUGS IN LOVE 2019/2020 wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.

Kooperationspartner*innen des Festivals sind SIEGESSÄULE, Schwules Museum (SMU), Haus für Poesie / poesiefestival berlin, Albino Verlag, Forum Berlin der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Solo by and with
Mareike Beykirch


Artistic Assistant

Stage design


Dramaturgic advisor
