With satirical actions and media campaigns, the PENG! Collective draws attention to social grievances. PENG! posed as a press spokesperson for Google and Vattenfall among others, started a recall of g ...
With satirical actions and media campaigns, the PENG! Collective draws attention to social grievances. PENG! posed as a press spokesperson for Google and Vattenfall among others, started a recall of guns in the US on behalf of Heckler & Koch and founded a drop-out club for secret service employees. In 2018, PENG! has been presented with the Aachen Peace Award. This three-hour workshop, will debunk the travesties of populist demagogy in order to perform progressive work with obfuscation - especially in regard of queer protest cultures of present-day media.
In German
Registration until 1.6. at protestkultur@pen.gg
PUGS IN LOVE - Queer Week 12–15/Juni
Das Festival PUGS IN LOVE 2019/2020 wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
Kooperationspartner*innen des Festivals sind SIEGESSÄULE, Schwules Museum (SMU), Haus für Poesie / poesiefestival berlin, Albino Verlag, Forum Berlin der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.