With excerpts of the show Stören by Suna Gürler and a correspondence by Mely Kiyak, a discussion by Gabriele Dietze, Kübra Gümüşay, Doris König and Sasha Marianna Salzmann presented by Karen Taylor, a concert of the band Britta and Party with DJ Ipek
100 years ago, the general right to vote and run for offi ce was granted to women. On the occasion of this anniversary, the Federal Centre for Civic Education (bpb), German Women Lawyers' Association (djb) and Maxim Gorki Theatre invite to take a look at this special event! What's the status of gender equality today? Who is allowed to decide in our country and who is not? What challenges are we currently facing, for example, with regard to intersectional realities? Important contemporary voices from the fi elds of justice, science, media, art and political activism come together and generate inspiration for how a gender-equitable future can be shaped.
Eine Veranstaltung der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutscher Juristinnenbund e.V. und Maxim Gorki Theater im Rahmen der Reihe Checkpoint bpb EXTRA