Es schneit im April

Deutsche Verantwortung


Three different approaches deal with the German »role«, German co-responsibility and contemplation of the mass murder of the Armenians. Followed by a discussion moderated by Thomas Krüger (President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education) with the speakers: Christin PschichholzJürgen Gottschlich and Wolfgang Gust.

Mitschuld -a tale of JürgenGottschlich
Germany was a close ally of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War and, indirectly and directly, involved in the mass murder of the Armenians. Jürgen Gottschlich details how German officers recommended the deportations of the Armenians, diplomats supported their expulsion and senior German politicians prevented an intervention in the mass murder.

Human oder loyal? Johannes Lepsius und Siegfried von Lüttichau
Eine Spurensuche von Christin Pschihol
German responsibility for the genocide of the Armenians remains a controversial subject of discussion up to the present day. An example of the range of responses to the mass murder in Protestantism is illustrated by a comparison between Siegfried von Lüttichau, pastor of the German protestant church in Constantinople during the war years, and Johannes Lepsius, founder of an Armenian charity.

Deutschland und der Völkermord an den Armeniern
Eine Annäherung von Wolfgang Gust
A subject like Germany and the mass murder of the Armenians contains many aspects: the course of the crime; Germany's role and complicity; the authenticity of the documents. Dealing with this issue also raises the question: After the Holocaust, can a German describe another genocide in which Germany participated, without being suspected of thereby concealing or qualifying the Holocaust?