Noam Brusilovsky was born in Israel in 1989. He graduated from Thelma Yellin High School of the Arts in 2007. He lives and studies at the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch in Berlin since 2012, where he staged a biographic version of Antigone and Als das Meer einer Einladung nachzukommen durchaus im Stande war by Stefan Wipplinger (guest performance at Deutsches Theater).
As an art director he conducts a common project with HfS Ernst Busch, the Performing Arts Studio Tel Aviv and the Goethe Institut. His play Woran man einen Juden erkennen kann was shown as a guest performance at the Körber Studio Junge Regie in Hamburg in 2015. In 2016 the play was produced as an audio drama by the radio station Deutschlandfunk. For SWR, he worked on an audio drama called Broken German written by Tomer Gardi (winner of Deutscher Hörspielpreis der ARD in 2017). In the same year he also staged his autobiographic solo performance Orchiektomie rechts. By May, SWR will be launching a new podcast series by Oder Waldmann and himself called We Love Israel.