
Nelly Barseghyan

Nelly Barseghyan is a set and costume designer, working in different theatres, since 2007. She is a founder of  ScenoLab Arts Laboratory. Nelly was author and curator of Development of Theatre Design in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia project in the framework of 7th High Fest International Performing Arts Festival. She has participated in numerous exhibitions, international festivals and symposiums. She has been the national curator of Armenia at PQ11 (Prague Quadrennial 2011), PQ15 (Prague Quadrennial 2015), PQ23 (Prague Quadrennial 2023 - AWARD for Responsiveness to Urgencies in the Exhibition of Countries and Regions) and Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design (2016, 2018, 2020, 2024).