Born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1968, began playing drums in 1982, lives in Berlin since 1994.
Under the influence of the HOHE-UFER-concerts initiated byGünter Christmann he became involved early on in the various forms of Jazztradition, Free Improvisation and New Music, which led to a longer collaboration with Christmann in his Vario-projects (a.o. C.I.M.-Festival Den Haag 1990, Moers-Festival 1992, Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik1993).
He has worked frequently with dancers, actors and poets (most recently in a project on Paul Celan with German writer Oskar Ansull). His duo KIMMO ELOMAA with electronic wizard jayrope received a grant by the city of Berlin in 2002
Received the 1. price as »most creative soloist« at the »New German Jazz Award« in 2006
His current projects include a.o.:
Uli Gumpert Quartet, TGW (Thieke-Griener-Weber), a Duo with Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky, Lacy Pool, Squakk and Carl-Ludwig Hübsch‘ Primordial Soup
Michael Griener teaches jazz drumming at the University for Music Carl Maria v. Weber in Dresden and jazz-history and rhythm at the Jazzschule Berlin