Filip Piotr Rutkowski

Filip Piotr Rutkowski is born in Poznań in 1992. Filip is a performer, artist, singer, currently based in Berlin where he*she works as an assistant director at Maxim Gorki Theatre. Filip studied Cultural Studies at University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and Sabanci University in Istanbul. Already during his studies Filip started a practical collaboration with various OFF theatres in Poland and Norway. Since 2018 Filip is an active member of an art collective: »HEARTCHOR«. In 2017 Filip worked as a performer in Marta Górnicka’s play HYMNE AN DIE LIEBE, which started his long lasting cooperation with the director. He*she performed in her productions: KONSTYTUCJA NA CHÓR POLAKÓW, GRUNDGESETZ. EIN CHORISCHER STRESSTEST and COMMUNITY: AN APP FOR ONE PERSON. Since September 2019 Filip is an active member and artistic assistant in POLITICAL VOICE INSTITUTE. As an assistant director in Maxim Gorki Theater Filip worked with (among others) Paul Spittler by DARK ROOM REVISITED and Yael Ronen by SLIPPERY SLOPE and OPERATION MINDFUCK.