Christiane Härdel

Christiane Härdel was born in 1947. She is a neurologist and works as a medical assessor. In the 70s and 80s, Härdel was an activist of the Lesbisches Aktionszentrum(LAZ) which emerged from the women's group of the Homosexuelle Aktion West-Berlin (HAW). She is the co-founder and board member of Freund*innen des Elberskirchen-Hirschfeld-Hauses e.V. (E2H), and in the board of trustees of the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld. In 2018, she was a co-curator of the exhibition "RADICAL - LESBIAN - FEMINIST" at Schwules Museum (SMU). Härdel is a board member of the Initiative Queer Nations e.V. and co-founder and board member of LAZ RELOADED e.V.