Berliner Korrespondenzen: Break-Up

Berliner Korrespondenzen: Break-Up

Episode 3 »Art and Protest«

Debate featuring Tania Bruguera and Olga Shparaga. Moderator: Övül Durmuşoğlu
Film premiere: Freedom of the Fighters, Directors: Lili Nagy, Lilla Kizlinger

Can the art in resistance (“wehrhafte Kunst”) show us ways out of authoritarian systems? Feminist voices from Belarus, Cuba, Hungary and Turkey discuss the relationship between art and protest during the third episode of “Break-Up”. The world-renowned political artist Tania Bruguera from Cuba meets the Belarusian philosopher Olga Shparaga, who took part in the protest against the Lukaschenko regime in 2020 and was sentenced to a prison term for her activism. In conversation with curator Övül Durmuşoğlu from Turkey, they reflect on the possibilities of collaborative, critical art to resist oppression and develop utopian perspectives. 
The discussion follows the premiere of the experimental short film Freedom of the Fighters by the young Hungarian directors Lili Nagy and Lilla Kizlinger. They document performances and artistic interventions conceived during the occupation of the University for Theatre and Film Art SZFE in Budapest in 2020. In playful and imaginative reenactments, the performances given by the FreeSZFE movement – which was the topic of the second episode of “Break-Up” – are transformed and conserved at the same time.

To the live stream


Concept & design visual: Keller & Lieder

Berliner Korrespondenzen is a series from the Gorki Forum and Allianz Kulturstiftung, in collaboration with the Humboldt Universität Berlin and sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office.