Webkachel_Herbstsalon_CZKD 1997 , foto Vesna Pavlovic
Webkachel_Herbstsalon_CZKD 1997 , foto Vesna Pavlovic
Webkachel_Herbstsalon_CZKD 1997 , foto Vesna Pavlovic

An Anti-War Center


In this lecture performance, Ana Miljanić, (co-founder and director of the CZKD) traces the social, cultural, and political changes of the last three decades that have influenced the work of the Center for Cultural Decontamination (CZKD) in Belgrade. The Center is a non-profit cultural institution founded in 1994 in response to the need to articulate and sustain anti-war activities. Today, the Center clearly recognizes different circumstances at all levels of political life, from civil society to global political events. In collaboration with curator Ana Sladojević, Ana Miljanić reflects on what it means for an independent public institution to be political today, based on the Center’s archives.

In English

Followed by a Q&A with Oliver Frljić 

Startup image: Ivan Zupanc

Photo: Vesna Pavlovic, CZKD 1997

Part of 6. Berliner Herbstsalon 2023 LOST – YOU GO SLAVIA

Lecture Performance by and with
Ana Sladojević, Ana Miljanić