
concert by Eileen Khatchadourian

Eileen Khatchadourian released her album Titernig – a mix of traditional Armenian songs and electro rhythms - in April 2015. Her music is a fusion of raw and dull sounds paired with soft and calm vocals and melodies. Titernig is a polymorph of diverse musical styles that took six years to create and is finally in its natural surrounding – on a stage. The production phase not only lead to the conception of an album but also marked the rebirth of an artist.  The album is made up of traditional Armenian songs, poems and hymns in addition to tracks written and composed by Khatchadourian. Titernig is an opus that is at times fragile yet strong, playful, or soft and takes its listeners on an emotional journey. It also pays homage to the legacy of the Armenian genocide taking a stand in the constant development and transformation of a culture and its people. 


Eileen Khatchadourian
