In Distomo, a village in the middle of Greece, 218 villagers were brutally killed by the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier-Division in a so-called “act of retaliation” in 1944. 70 years later almost half ...
In Distomo, a village in the middle of Greece, 218 villagers were brutally killed by the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier-Division in a so-called “act of retaliation” in 1944. 70 years later almost half a million Greeks vote for the neo-Nazi party "Golden Dawn". The collective protests against the rigorously-prescribed austerity measures were an expression of hope for many Greeks. But with the violent reaction from the police and a neo-Nazi party's entrance into the parliament came the brutal awakening. Actor Kostis Kallivretakis remembers and reports on contemporary Greek tragedies and the power of resistance.