(c) Leyla Sehar

Prosa der Verhältnisse #27: »Schauergeschichten« / »Schreiben als Beruf«

»Schauergeschichten« / »Schreiben als Beruf«

Deniz Utlu and Péter Nádas, one of the most important authors in European contemporary literature, talk about his latest novel, Rémtörténetek (Horror Stories), and about his poetology. The novel is a polyphonic tale of life in a Hungarian village on a river, with all of its inhabitants. A panopticon of characters driven by resentment and malice with spirits buzzing all around them. The conversation also gives insights into his craft, addressing aspects such as »silent poetics«, as he describes them in his book Writing as Career: that which is no longer in the text, the omissions, struck-through passages. A conversation about how we tell stories, the power of language, about light and shadow.

Illustration: Leyla Sehar

Curated and presented by


Alexandra Sinelnikova