Motiv © Mladen Stilinović:



In the work PJEVAJ! (SING!) 1980, a black and white portrait of the artist is pinned to red fabric. A 100-dinar note is pasted on the artist's forehead. Below the photo, the word »Pjevaj! (Sing!)« is printed in red letters. The image refers to the tradition of spitting on a banknote and sticking it on the forehead of public entertainers such as buskers. This ritual is based on a certain power relation. Is Stilinović here comparing the position of the artist with that of the street musician? If so, he may be alluding to the status of the contemporary artist in 1980 in Yugoslav society; sometimes tolerated, sometimes needed, but also not really respected.

Tue–Thur 18:00–22:00
Fr–Sun 14:00–22:00

Motiv © Mladen Stilinović: Pjevaj! (Sing!), 1980. By courtesy of Branka Stipančić

Part of 6. Berliner Herbstsalon 2023 LOST – YOU GO SLAVIA