Over the last decade, the authoritarian regime in Turkey has imprisoned hundreds of critical journalists, academicians, activists and opposition politicians. The documentary exhibits that are presented in the lightsalon and adjoined rooms give an insight into the repression that marked Turkey’s recent history. Whereas Can Dündar’s Prison of Thought, a replica of a prison cell at the high-security Silivri prison, illustrates the claustrophobic reality of confinement, the video installation Museum of Small Things, conceived by Dündar and Hakan Savaş Mican, trace the prisoners’ striving to defy intimidation. To support the ridiculous narrative that the Gezi Revolt was not a genuine protest by the masses but an external conspiracy against the government, the judicial system, tightly controlled by Erdoğan, also punished a group of public figures with trumped-up charges. Courtroom sketches, expert reports, folders with court documents and a video documentary describing the crucial aspects of the Gezi trial are part of the material that exposes the ruthless revanchism of the regime.
Curated by CAN DÜNDAR & Team
Im Rahmen des 6. Berliner Herbstsalon GEZİ – TEN YEARS AFTER. Ein Prolog im Frühling.