Mein Recht, dein Recht

Panel discussion

In the shadow of the new welcoming culture admired around the world, the Bundestag passed further restrictions to the right of asylum. After the sudden one-off opening of the borders, regulatory hurd ... Read more

In the shadow of the new welcoming culture admired around the world, the Bundestag passed further restrictions to the right of asylum. After the sudden one-off opening of the borders, regulatory hurdles were rebuilt and deportations to so called »safe countries of origin« accelerated. In a joint discussion we want to grapple with how the right of asylum has developed since the deterrent policy of the 1990s, and how activists and lawyers have fought with the refugees for their rights then and now. What can we learn from the debates since 1993, for example, to respond today to the reactivation of residence requirements and non-cash benefits?

Joining us for this reflection: Berenice Böhlo (Republikanischer Anwaltsverein), Naika Foroutan (Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung), Jürgen Quandt (Asyl in der Kirche) and Samee Ullah (My Right is Your Right).

moderation: Dorothea Lindenberg (Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg)