
Jüdische Desintegration! Das Jubiläum

Desintegration! That was the title of last year's CONGRESS OF CONTEMPORARY JEWISH POSITIONS in Studio Я. Under this programmatic slogan, a sometimes breathtaking confusion between participants, audience, press, and initiators emerged. The aim was to take a survey of Jewish self-positioning in Germany. On the one-year anniversary we're presenting film documentation and a detailed catalogue of the desintegration congress. Come and celebrate with us – deintegrate yourselves!


DesintegratiЯ / Film by Moritz Richard Schmidt / After that panel with Max Czollek, Sasha Marianna Salzmann (Initiators Desintegration)  

Moritz Richard Schmidt (Filmmaker)

and Hannah Lühmann (Journalist)

FUCK YOU, MOLDOVA / Performance from and with Marina Frenk
The real Baba Dunyah / Concert