Hat meine Mutter doch recht? (Wait, Was My Mother Actually Right?) is the Berlin premiere of the solo stand-up comedy show from Hayko Bağdat, who came to Germany to seek political asylum. Between bure ...
Hat meine Mutter doch recht? (Wait, Was My Mother Actually Right?) is the Berlin premiere of the solo stand-up comedy show from Hayko Bağdat, who came to Germany to seek political asylum. Between bureaucracy, identity and other challenges, a wildly successful stand-up tour begins which takes him through highs and lows. Hayko highlights how difficult and absurd a life in exile can be. In the process he connects personal stories with socio-political topics and talks about moments when humour was his only salvation.
Turkish with English & German surtitles
Im Rahmen von 100 + 10 – Armenian Allegories
© Hayko Bağdat