What was so new about the iconography and language of protest we encountered during the Gezi Uprising in comparison with the long history of resistance in Turkey? How was it understood by the contempo ...
What was so new about the iconography and language of protest we encountered during the Gezi Uprising in comparison with the long history of resistance in Turkey? How was it understood by the contemporary art scene which was then preparing for the next Istanbul Biennale concentrating on public space? The session assesses the ways in which the Gezi Uprising and other Occupy movement protests worldwide in the last decade left an impact on the politics of art.
In her PhD thesis and her forthcoming book, Işıl Eğrikavuk (artist and professor at UdK, Berlin University of Arts) has focused on intersections between the protests at Gezi Park in 2013 and socially engaged, dialogue-based art practices. During our conversation with Eğrikavuk we will have a closer look at the works of six different arts and ecology collectives which were active during the protests.
With Erden Kosova & Işıl Eğrikavuk
Part of 6. Berliner Herbstsalon GEZİ – TEN YEARS AFTER. Ein Prolog im Frühling.