In Solange wir erinnern (As Long As We Remember), a project about remembering Hanau in schools, Hiyam Biary (performance artist) and Elona Beqiraj (poet, political educator), as well as more experts a ...
In Solange wir erinnern (As Long As We Remember), a project about remembering Hanau in schools, Hiyam Biary (performance artist) and Elona Beqiraj (poet, political educator), as well as more experts and affected parties, developed artistic interventions with the students at the Eckener Gymnasium and the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gemeinschaftsschule focusing on the following questions: How can we contribute to a culture of remembrance and dignified commemoration of those killed by right-wing extremist violence? How can we show solidarity with those affected and actively bring about change? Following an analysis of the continuities of right-wing extremist violence, the students created artistic formats for remembrance and solidarity with the victims of right-wing extremist violence and their friends and families, which will be presented at the Gorki on the anniversary of the attack in Hanau.
Performance and Exhibition by and with students of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gemeinschaftsschule and the Eckener-Gymnasium.
JURTE 16–22/FEBRUARY 16:00–20:00
Solange wir erinnern ist ein Projekt von Theater findet Stadt e. V., gefördert durch den Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.