Buchcover Erinnern Stören © Verbrecherverlag

Erinnern Stören

Der Mauerfall aus migrantischer und jüdischer Perspektive

The fall of the Wall 30 years ago marked a violent break for migrant and Jewish life in East and West. While some were united, others were excluded. The presented book makes excluded perspectives on German-German unification visible again and reminds us of the struggles for participation in the 1980s, drastic experiences at the turnaround and the self-assertion against racism in the 1990s. It tells of the civil rights and asylum struggles of former guest workers, of refugees in the FRG and GDR, of the obstinacy of contract workers, of international students at the time, of Jewish life in East and West Germany, and of the struggles of Sinti and Roma in a divided Germany.

An event of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theatre
