


For the 140th anniversary of the Berlin West Africa Conference from 1884/85, also known as the »Congo Conference«, the Decolonial Festival 2024 presents Ecosystem, a Musical theatre piece by GROUP50:50.


»When we save the rainforest, we save the climate!« With this slogan, international environmental organisations have been justifying their interventions in the equatorial forests. In their new multimedia, transcontinental music theatre piece, GROUP50:50 tells the colonial history of deforestation and nature conservation in the Congo Basin, amplifying the previously unheard voices of those affected. After their previous work, The Ghosts Are Returning, which was acclaimed throughout Europe, the group of Congolese, German and Swiss artists has continued their non-hierarchical collaboration: a musical plea for a decolonial ecology.


Guestplay 15/November 2024

In cooperation with Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City, with the financial support of: Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater Basel-Stadt / Basel-Landschaft & Pro Helvetia.

Photos: Rolf Arnold

Artistic direction: Eva-Maria Bertschy, Joseph Kasau, Kojack Kossakamvwe and Elia Rediger
Musical direction: Kojack Kossakamvwe and Elia Rediger
 Eva-Maria Bertschy, Jean-Baptiste Ekaka, Joseph Kasau, Patrick Mudekereza and Elia Rediger
Video: Joseph Kasau und Moritz von Dungern
Performance (on stage: Jean-Baptiste Ekaka, Dieu Le Veut Sumba, Kojack Kossakamvwe, Huguette Tolinga, Elia Rediger
Performance (video): Ruth Kemna, Gérard Agbokabolo Amboko, Jean Kamana, Papa Delolai, Christophe Anzalite Amboko, Dauphin Kakuaguwe Wendokono, Maman Antoinette, Constant Delite, Sengele Charles, Michel Basekombonane, Jean-Maria Nangondese, Rose Ongane, Jean-Paul Ingbitina, Collethe Bombini, Jules Amboko, Jacques Modo, Mambunga Basekombonane, Awilikilango, Adeline Baboanane, Julberthe Bibedu, Paulin Banyandey, Françoise Iday, Clementine Nengapeta, Micheline Iday, Jean-Pierre Bambabeya, Philiphe Bozi Marie, Nangaa Charline, Michel Thomo, Marie Akemande, Therese Monikomange, Bambanaye Abuty, Ndandambajaye, Jean-Pierre Monzabete, Anyabukiyuo, Jean-Pierre Bambakoanza, Adwakanakeya, Anthoinethe Abinya Kalite, Agbokabulo Mavambu, Jean-Marie Akemane, Raymond Kakeane, Clementhine Natho, Adwakanakeya Jedeo
Costumes: Cédrick Nzolo, Souleymane Diallo and Janine Werthmann
Technical management and lighting design: Sylvain Faye
Stage: Sylvain Faye und Elia Rediger
Sounddesign: Philipp Ruoff und Elia Rediger
: Camille Jamet, HERProductions und Isaac Yenga
Research: Jean de Dieu Aybeka
Acting training: Emmanuel-Egide Elbas Manuana Ndosi
Assistant director: Anna M. Zentgraf
Intern: Fy Notahiana Harinofy Ramsoron
Press and social media: Johannes Fellmann, Leonie Soltys, fellow publishing
Many thanks to: Alex Hasslieb, Olivier Maloba Banza, Chasper Sarott, Patrick Saidi and Prof. Alphonse Main

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Kooperationsgastspiel im Rahmen von Dekoloniale Erinnerungskultur in der Stadt

Deutsch, Français, Lingala, Swahili & Kibudu
with German & French surtitles 

Anschl. Publikumsgespräch im Kiosk

Kooperationsgastspiel im Rahmen von Dekoloniale Erinnerungskultur in der Stadt

Deutsch, Français, Lingala, Swahili & Kibudu
with German & French surtitles 

Anschl. Publikumsgespräch im Kiosk