20-Years Anniversary Tour & CD Release with Mitia Khramtsov (violin, singer) Evgenii Lizin (Poyk) Ilia Gindin (clarinette, saxophone) Ilia Shneyveys (accordeon) Roman Shinder (Tum-Balalaika) Max Karpychev (saxophone) Stepanov Alexey (Tuba), Paver Mikheev (Sound)
Twenty years ago, the street musicians from Russia met in Nantes: The adventurous journey of Dobranotch begins. After touring the world, inspiring their fans with a mix of Russian folk songs, Balkan beats and an eternal Jewish drive, they return to the Studio Я to celebrate a best-of of the songs written since 1999 – and new tracks for the next album!
© Misha Burlatsky, Olga Tsareva