In Das Blau streichelt meiner Gedanken Flügel (Blue Cuddles My Flights of Fancy) poet and translator Agapi Mkrtchian gathers together poems by sixteen authors from Artsakh, which tell of childhood, lo ...
In Das Blau streichelt meiner Gedanken Flügel (Blue Cuddles My Flights of Fancy) poet and translator Agapi Mkrtchian gathers together poems by sixteen authors from Artsakh, which tell of childhood, love, war and loss. In a dance performance by ballet soloist Arshak Ghalumyan and featuring two dancers, these texts will be brought to life in German and Armenian. In the post-performance discussion, Mkrtchian talks to Sona Mnatsakanyan about the relationship between poetry and dance.
Performance in Armenian and German
Talk in English and German
As part of 100 + 10 – Armenian Allegories
© Nazek Armenakyan, Untitled from the series Red, Black White, 2021