We thought it would be fun to add together 70 years of Maxim Gorki Theater, soon to be 20 years of post-migrant theatre, nine years of Shermin Langhoff's artistic directorship – that makes 99. That's exactly the number of companions, audience members, friends, artists and creatives we have asked to take their own look at the Gorki and the prehistory of post-migrant theatre with a »shout-out«. After all, every story – including that of our theatre – is a story of many. Only from the interplay of the different perspectives a vivid picture emerges – which will still never be a complete one.
Comrade Gorki is a book of associations – and of good attitude. We let speak people and images: With photographs by Esra Rotthoff in front of the stage, by Ute Langkafel on the stage and by Lutz Knospe behind the scenes.
The Book is published by Theater der Zeit and is available in the Gorki webshop and in bookstores.
Editors Shermin Langhoff and Lutz Knospe.
Redaktion Patrick Wildermann.
With text contributions by Rasha Abbas, Nora Abdel-Maksoud, Maryam Abu Khaled, Mazda Adli, Fatih Akin, Züli Aladağ, Mehmet Ateşçi, Susanne Baer, Stéphane Bauer, Sebastian Baumgarten, Idil Baydar, Canan Bayram, Elona Beqiraj & Hiyam Biary, Mareike Beykirch, Hamze Bytyçi, Banu Cennetoğlu, Yanina Cerón, Max Czollek, Danica Dakić, Jonas Dassler, Zehra Doğan, Tülin Duman, Can Dündar, Philippa Ebéné, Atom Egoyan, Kazım Erdoğan, Aysima Ergün, Nurkan Erpulat, Naika Foroutan, Michel Friedman, Oliver Frljić, Negar Ghalamzan, Andreas Görgen, Marta Górnicka, Ayşe Güleç, Kübra Gümüşay, Suna Gürler, Kirsten Hass, Nele Hertling, Bernd Ocker Hölters, İpek İpekçioğlu, Anetta Kahane, Daniel Kahn, Susan Kamel, Osman Kavala, Mely Kiyak, Renate Klett, Barrie Kosky, Erden Kosova, Thomas Krüger, Esra Küçük, Lindy Larsson, Delaine Le Bas, Klaus Lederer, Jeanine Meerapfel, Hakan Savaş Mican, Christian Mihr, Ersan Mondtag, Anna Müller, Orit Nahmias, Kirsten Niehuus, Sebastian Nübling, Deniz Ohde, Osman Okkan, Keng Sen Ong, Cem Özdemir, Necati Öziri, Kai Uwe Peter, René Pollesch, Maximilian Popp, Sema Poyraz, Aleksandar Radenković, Peter Raue, Cornelia Reinauer, Falk Richter, Kevin Rittberger, Emilia Roig, Yael Ronen, Claudia Roth, Julia Roth, Philipp Ruch, Taner Şahintürk & Till Wonka, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Dimitrij Schaad, André Schmitz, Hans Schöpflin, David Schraven, Gesine Schwan & Peter Eigen, Falilou Seck, Azadeh Sharifi, Peter Steudtner, Sesede Terziyan, Volkan T, Deniz Utlu, Christian Weise, Daniel Wesener, Klaus Wowereit, Mehmet Yılmaz, Aysel Yollu-Tok as well as Deniz Yücel.