Tucké Royale

Tucké Royale

Tucké Royale, born in Quedlinburg in 1984, is a performer and author. Supported by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Royale studied contemporary puppet theatre from 2006 to 2011 at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts. After researching performance art in New York, he presented his first solo performance Tucké Royale as his graduation piece. The performance then toured around St. Petersburg, Zagreb, Split, Hamburg, Dresden and Berlin and was nominated for the Guest Award / Best International Act in Amsterdam. Royale has been a member of the poetry band »Hanky Panky Know How« (Merve Verlag), together with Hans Unstern and Ghostwriter, since 2012. He also went on tour with The Great Hans Unstern Swindle and was responsible for its PR campaign. His second solo performance Ich beiße mir auf die Zunge und esse den Belag, den meine Rabeneltern mir hinterließen (I bite my tongue and eat the coating my dead-beat parents left me for breakfast) was created in 2013 and can still be seen in the Maxim Gorki Theatre's Studio Я. Together with the Talking Straight performance collective, Royale has worked on Europe - Garden of Delights, Reconciliation with Germany II and the Talking Straight Festival, which was awarded the Authors Prize from the Berliner Festspiele in 2015. Since 2015, Royale has been head spokesman for the ZENTRALRAT DER ASOZIALEN IN DEUTSCHLAND (Central Council of the Asocial in Germany, a cooperation between Studio Я and Kampnagel), which he initiated and for which he was awarded stipends from Berlin's Elsa-Neumann Foundation in 2014 and the Berlin Senate in 2015. Royale began working with Gintersdorfer/Klaßen in 2016 and appears in their production Der Botschafter (The Ambassador).Together with Hans Unstern and Black Cracker he performs as the BOIBAND. Furthermore he can be seen in the play Atlas des Kommunismus directed by Lola Arias on the Gorki stage.

Photo: Esra Rotthoff


Atlas des Kommunismus

Queering Poetry

TALKING STRAIGHT 2014: Europa, Garten der Lüste