Theresa Henning

Theresa Henning

Theresa Henning is born in Halle, grew up in Pankow and studied at the UdK in Berlin. As freelancing actor she played for the DT Berlin, the Volksbühne and at the Schauspiel Magdeburg, among others. Her first production Meine Ruh ist hin, mein Herz ist schwer. Hallo Revolutionär! was shown at Ballhaus Naunynstraße as well as her second One day I went to *IDL - which was invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend in 2016. His last work was at the DT organizing the Automn Camp for youths. Together with her film production company Kinderzimmer-Produktion (child's room-Production) funded in 2014 she realized two full-length films Der neue Eichinger and Krach der Stille


1000 Serpentinen Angst


with English surtitles

Anschl. Publikumsgespräch im Rangfoyer

Black Her*His*Story Month

with English surtitles

Anschl. Publikumsgespräch im Rangfoyer

Black Her*His*Story Month


1000 Serpentinen Angst