
Shahrzad Rahmani

Shahrzad Rahmani is a Berlin based stage designer and scenographer whose focus is on interdisciplinary space design and installations in theatrical, urban and performative contexts. She experiments with different materials, and their dialogue, fusion and transformation through time. Born in Karlsruhe and raised in Tehran, Shahrzad received her diploma in architecture from the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) with distinction in 2010. Throughout her studies and after, she developed exhibitions for the ZKM in Karlsruhe, the MIT in Boston, and the Guggenheim in New York, and worked for architectural offices in Germany, Spain, and Iran. In 2014, she received her Master of Arts in Stage Design and Scenography from the Technical University Berlin (TU Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum). She was the scenographer for the Berlin Unlimited Festival at the ZK/U in collaboration with the Guerilla Architects. From 2015-17, she worked as the stage design assistant at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, where she was the deputy head of Stage Design for the 2017-18 theatre season. During her time at Gorki, she collaborated, among others, with the choreographer Modjgan Hashemian and the directors Ayham Majid Agha and Anestis Azas. She did the stage design for Zentrum für Politische Schönheit (Center for Political Beauty) in ”Flüchtlinge Fressen” (Eating Refugees), and for the Talking Straight Collective (in Science Center). As a scenographer Shahrzad was involved in various Festivals at Gorki and Studio Я, ”Voicing Resistence“ (2014), “Es schneit im April“ (2019), “2nd Berliner Herbstsalon“ (2015), “Uniting Backgrounds“ (2016), “1st Roma Biennale“ (2018) and "Desintegriert euch!" in the ”3rd Berliner Herbstsalon” (2017).