René Michaelsen

René Michaelsen is scholarly assitant at the Institut for music sciences at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2005 he is involved in different productions of Daniel Cremer: Brian the vampireNackte Jungs in den Klauen des Zweifels (Schauspiel Cologne, 2005), Eva. Das intrigante Stück (Schauspiel Cologne, 2006), Feral City, Schurkenstadt(Schauspielhaus Cologne, 2007) and Ich habe genug. Colony Collapse Disorder BWV 2012 (HBC Berlin,2009). In February 2012 he supported Vanessa Stern as an assitant for the award ceremony of the 100 Grad Festival at the Sophiensaele. He runs together with Laurenz Leky a comical ensemble in Cologne that staged Jein! Die grosse Revue des eingeschränkten Vergnügens in 2014. He was in 2014 part of Talking Straight Festival and Aussöhnen mit Deutschland II of TALKING STRAIGHT. Next to that he was in 2015 responsible for the dramaturgy for The Phantom of the Opera by Christoph Faulhaber and Martin Mutschler at the Rote Flora in Hamburg.
