Photo: Lorenzo Carnero

Juan Manuel Fernández Montoya

Juan Manuel Fernández Montoya, aka Farruquito (Seville, 1982), is a flamenco dancer and choreographer from a family of famous traditional »bailaores«. From an early age on, he took on the responsibility of maintaining the legacy and the unmistakable style of his grandfather, Farruco. His dance style is characterized by strength, passion and refined technique and has been recognized by countless awards, such as the National Dance Award in 2001 and the Max Award for Best Dance Show in 2018. No wonder he is considered one of the leading exponents of contemporary flamenco. His latest show Íntimo, has been taken on tour to the most important Flamenco and dance festivals nationally and internationally, performing more than 80 shows since 2020.

Photo: Lorenzo Carnero