
Hendrik Otremba

Hendrik Otremba, born in Recklinghausen in 1984, is a writer, visual artist, and singer in the band Messer, as well as an instructor in creative writing and occasional curator. He writes about music sporadically as a freelance journalist. His paintings have been reproduced in various magazines and as album covers. In 2017 his debut novel Über uns der Schaum (Foam Above Us, Verbrecher Verlag) was published, in August 2019 his second novel Kachelbads Erbe (Kachelbad’s Inheritance, Hoffmann und Campe) followed. On August 31st of this year his third novel Benito (März Verlag) will be published, and his first solo album will be released later in the year. He has released five albums with Messer thus far, most recently 2021’s No Future Dubs. He lives in Berlin. 
