Denis Geyersbach, born 1989 in Erfurt, is a graduate of Hochschule Ernst Busch in Berlin. During his study he guests in Schauspielhaus Senftenberg as well as in Berliner Ensemble and Schauspielhaus Stuttgart. From 2006-2011 Geyersbach was a company member of Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus and worked in different theatres such as Schauspielhaus Hannover, Theatre Braunschweig, Schauspielhaus Zürich, State Theatre Schwerin, Theatre Bremen, State Theatre Saarbrücken and State Theatre Dresden. Among others he has worked with Amelie Niermeyer, Stephan Rottkamp, Sebastian Baumgarten and Antu Romero Nunes. Geyersbach also cofounded the theatre group »Candlelight Dynamite« as an actor and director.