Daniel Kötter

Daniel Kötter

Daniel Kötter is a documentary filmmaker and theatre director. He has a strong interest in urbanization and political landscapes in Africa and West Asia. His music theatre performances in collaboration with composer Hannes Seidl have been shown at numerous international festivals since 2008. Between 2009 and 2015 he developed the series state-theatre on conditions of theatre architecture and urban performativity in Lagos, Tehran, Berlin, Detroit, Beirut and Mönchengladbach (with Constanze Fischbeck). His film Hashti Tehran (60', 2017) was awarded the German Short Film Award. Rift Finfinnee (79’, 2020) on urbanization in Ethiopia won the DEFA Award at DOK Leipzig. His most recent film Landshaft (2023, 97‘) won the award for Best Documentary from the German Film Critics’ Association.

Photo: Nafis Fathollahzadeh