Daniel Cremer

Daniel Cremer

Daniel Cremer, born in Mönchengladbach in 1983, is a writer, director, performance artist. Cremer has been working in German-language theater since 2003, since 2006 mostly as a director of self-writte ... Read more

Daniel Cremer, born in Mönchengladbach in 1983, is a writer, director, performance artist. Cremer has been working in German-language theater since 2003, since 2006 mostly as a director of self-written and collaboratively devised plays, but also of operas and socio-cultural projects, first at Schauspiel Köln, where he was employed as an assistant director, later at Theater Heidelberg, among others, and most recently at the Junges Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, HAU Berlin, and the Studio Я of the Maxim Gorki Theater. As a dramaturg, he worked with René Pollesch at the Volksbühne im Prater, among others, and as a director's assistant for opera director Benedikt von Peter. Daniel's work as a solo performer since 2010 has sought ways to challenge seemingly everyday situations and forms of social exchange, to defamiliarize them and liberate them from their incriminating content. He uses means such as simulation, re-enactment, travesty, and especially the liquefaction and distortion of language. Under the label »Talking Straight«, he has already dissected coaching sessions, conferences, seminars, theater festivals, religious rituals, a Christopher Street Day parade, textbooks, and city and museum tours, in broken English, fake German, and foreign language, a secret language he developed. He has done this at the Dockville Kunstcamp Hamburg, the Berlinische Galerie, the Theater Bremen and, among many other smaller gallery spaces, at the nGbK and the Kunstraum Basso in Berlin-Kreuzberg. He has also shown performances at the TU Berlin and the Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder). As an author he is represented by the Verlag der Autoren.



TALKING STRAIGHT will set us free