Bateira is a Berlin-based film director, visual artist and composer born in Lisbon whose work encompasses cinema, television, video, photography and music. Focusing on identity, desire and gender construction, Bateira’s narratives, visuals and sounds open perspectives for the decolonisation of the body. They are presented worldwide. Bateira creates often visuals for the stage, which are found in theatres in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Portugal, working in collaboration with Tobias Herzberg, Sivan Ben Yishai, Modjgan Hashemian, Yael Ronen (with Benjamin Krieg), Anouschka Trocker and Marie Bues, among others. In a continuous search for experimental and diverse forms of expression, Bateira, under the genderfluid pseudonym NATüRlich, founded the music collective Give Guitars To People releasing an album on the label ReR Megacorp in 2019. Their improvisations question concepts of time and space and the binarism of modern Western thought. As a solo act or in the collective, NATüRlich draws on trauma and memory to create soundscapes, which can generate healing, togetherness and a positive queer experience beyond the horrors of institutionalized structures of power. They have been playing at relevant venues in Europe, such as Acud Macht Neu, Ausland-Berlin, Gorki Theatre, Meakusma, O'culto da Ajuda, Roter Salon/Volksbühne, Tipi am Kanzleramt and Xenomorph Sounds. From 2014 to 2019, Bateira was engaged as a video and sound artist on a series of projects at Gorki Theater, which include the 4. Berliner Herbstsalon/YCA (2019), Queer Week (2017/18/19), Uniting Backgrounds - Theater zur Demokratie (2017), Mythen der Wirklichkeit (2016/17/18/19), Kosmos2 (2016/17) and Voicing Resistance (2014).