Berlin '69


Berlin’s queer memory has a name: The Schwules Museum (SMU) hosts roughly 1.5 million documents and objects in its archive. In the 50th year after Stonewall, it opens its collection in cooperation wit ... Read more

Berlin’s queer memory has a name: The Schwules Museum (SMU) hosts roughly 1.5 million documents and objects in its archive. In the 50th year after Stonewall, it opens its collection in cooperation with our festival and presents selected documents of contemporary history in the form of an archival exhibition in our foyer. In contrast to the eventful festival program, the visitors of the exhibition can discover the exhibits in their own time in order to find references to the discussed topics and the artistic works.

In cooperation with Schwules Museum (SMU) | Always accessible during the festival’s opening hours


PUGS IN LOVE - Queer Week 12–15/Juni


Das Festival PUGS IN LOVE 2019/2020 wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Kooperationspartner*innen: Siegessäule, Schwules Museum (SMU), Haus für Poesie / poesiefestival berlin, Albino Verlag, Forum Berlin der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

