Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theatre
The chronicle to save the century-old Emek Movie Theatre from being turned into a shopping mall. Starting in 2010, when the venue was sche ...
Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theatre
The chronicle to save the century-old Emek Movie Theatre from being turned into a shopping mall. Starting in 2010, when the venue was scheduled for demolition despite a huge outcry from the public, the struggle for Emek has become a pivotal event in Turkey’s recent political history, one that eventually paved the way for the Gezi Park protests. Using footage collected from various activists who joined the struggle, the film offers a powerful testimony for those who are striving to reclaim the right to their city.
TUR, 2016, 48 min, Turkish with English subtitles
Von Emek Bizim İstanbul Bizim İnisiyatifi
Aşk Bitti / Love is Over
AŞK BİTTİ is a documentary about the June 2013 protests in Brazil aiming to refresh our own memories of struggle by listening to the stories from another part of the world from the viewpoint of a Gezi protestor from Turkey.
TUR, 2017, 47 min, Turkish/Portuguese with English subtitles
Regie Mert Kaya
Q & A with Senem Aytaç (Emek Bizim İstanbul Bizim İnisiyatifi ) & Mert Kaya
Film stills: Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theatre; Aşk Bitti / Love is Over
Part of 6. Berliner Herbstsalon GEZİ – TEN YEARS AFTER. Ein Prolog im Frühling.
The series GeZinema was created in collaboration with the H2020 MSCA-IF project, VIDEOACT, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101025524.