
Tiferet תפארת

Die Geburt des Kunstwerks aus dem Geist der Kabbala (Neue Musik) Komposition Amir Shpilman Dramaturgie Bastian Zimmermann

In Tiferet, two dancers, seven solists, a choir and an electromagnetic medium initiate a both ritualistic and playful realm of experience that faces matters of ambivalence of human expression and arti ... Read more

In Tiferet, two dancers, seven solists, a choir and an electromagnetic medium initiate a both ritualistic and playful realm of experience that faces matters of ambivalence of human expression and artistic creation. The evening is inspired by the tiferet, sixth sefira of the kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the idea of gaining your own power from the balance of other diverse powers. Accordingly, only the correct mixture of elements results in beauty.


Der Abend wird finanziell unterstützt von der Clara Angela Stiftung Witten-Berlin sowie Asylum Arts, New York. Unter Verwendung von Aufnahmen aus dem Uterus von Prof. Erich Saling und Prof. Birgit Arabin. Mit freundschaftlicher Unterstützung von Marameo TanzZentrum.


To get reduced access to all of the productions during the Radikale Jüdischen Kulturtage, you can buy a Festivalpass.


© Natur der Kunstformen #2, Yair Kira 2017


compositor & director



Vocal Solists

conducted by